As a Unix/Linux specialist I’ve seen my fer share of misconfigurations and sometimes realy stupid way to get things doen. From python with love is one of those ‘'’real stories’’’ I will never forget. And it al begins on a cold authum day in 2020.
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A deep dive in 3D printing
For some time now I wanted a 3D printer to create replacement parts and handy other things for making audio speakers. After some research the time had come to order a 3D printer. Because I’m a beginner at 3D printing I was not willing to buy a 3D printer that...
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Fall project: H-Audio BT-01
This fall I will start a new project. It is now more then 15 years that I made my last loudspeaker setup. At that time the speakers where only made for DJ booths. Now it’s time to make small (semi) portable speakers. Because I want quality speakers, this will not...
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Why Face ID is more secure than Thrusted Face
Unlocking your phone using your face is the new hotness, mostly thanks to Apple’s Face ID. Android has had a similar feature since 2015 called Trusted Face, but it’s not even close to the same thing.
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From security awareness to security incident
As an OpenSource consultant I’m currently working for a medium sized company. This company wants to raise the security awareness of all their employees. This includes all of their consultants and office personal. They choose to do this with help a company that should be specialized in raising the awareness....
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